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17 - 19 JANUARY

SHAPE J7 Military Training and Exercise Programme Planning Conference.

24 - 25 January

Bi-SC Stockpile Planning Committee Meeting.

29 January

Visit from National Military Representative for France, Major General Benoit Desmeulles.

31 January - 1 february

Visit from European Union Military Staff.

5 - 6 february

Visit from deputy Chief of Staff Logistics and Armaments Finnish Defence Command, Lieutenant General Mikko Heiskanen.

6 february

Visit from Chief of the Directorate of Support Service Sweden, Major General Stefan Sandborg.

8 - 9 february

Visit from Director General of the European Union Military Staff, Lieutenant General Michiel van der Laan.

12 - 28 february

Exercise BRILLIANT JUMP 2024 in the course of Exercise STEADFAST DEFENDER 2024 with Public Affairs personnel supporting the NATO Military Information Center in Szeczin, Poland.

14 February

Visit from Chief of the German Army, General Alfons Mais.

21 february

Visit from Chief of Defence of Belgium, Admiral Michel Hofman.

27  february

Visit from Chief of Defence of Great Britain for Logistics & Support and Chief Naval Logistics Officer, Vice Admiral Andy Kyte.

4 - 5 March

Visit from Deputy Supreme Allied Commander Europe, Admiral Sir Keith Blount.

6 - 7 MARCh

Military Mobility Corridor Development Workshop.

12 MARCh

Visit of the Turkish National Military Representative, Rear Admiral Ismail Güldogan.

13 MARCh

Visit of the British National Military Representative, Lieutenant General Ian Cave.

21 - 22 MARCH

Visit of the Defence Policy and Planning Committee (DPPC).

4 april

Visit of the Finnish Defence Forces International Centre (FINCENT).

4 april

Celebration of NATO’s 75th Anniversary.

17 april

Visit of the George C. Marshall European Centre for Security Studies.

23 - 25 april

Reinforcement and Sustainment Network Spring Conference.

24 april

Visit of Consul General of Romania, Dr. Vlad Vasiliu.

25 april

Visit of the Slovenian National Military Representative, Colonel Peter Starc.

29 april

Visit of the Chief of Defence of the Netherlands, General Onno Eichelsheim.

30 april

Visit of the Commander of the German Logistics Command, Major General Gerald Funke.

22 may

Visit of the Commander of the European Air Transport Command (EATC), Major General Franck Mollard.

17 june

Joint Support and Enabling Command Signs Letter of Cooperation with United States European Command (EUCOM).

2 july

Commander Joint Support and Enabling Command visits the Romanian Ministry of Defence (Bucharest).

14 july

Joint Support and Enabling Command Celebrates its 3rd Anniversary.

16 - 18 july

Steadfast Foxtrot 2024/2025 Part 1- Final Coordination Conference.

29 july

Commander Joint Support and Enabling Command visits NATO Support and Procurement Agency (NSPA – Capellen, Luxembourg)..

30 - 31 July

Visit of the Commander 21st Theater Sustainment Command, Major General Ronald R. Ragin, and Delegation.

3 - 4 September

Initial Host Nation Suppport MOR Workshop.

4 September

Visit of the Finnish Ministry of Defence.

6 September

Deputy Commander Joint Support and Enabling Command visits AIRCOM Commanders Conference (Ramstein).

11 - 20 September

Exercise STEADFAST FOXTROT 2024/2025.

29 September

JSEC Sports team participates in 20th Einstein Marathon (Ulm).

10 October

Change of Command in the Wilhelmsburg Ulm: Lieutenant General Alexander Sollfrank hands over to Lieutenant General Kai Rohrschneider.

15 - 17 October

Reinforcement and Sustainment Fall Conference 2024

17 October

Transition as Chief of Staff at JSEC from Major General Richard Laurijssen to Brigadier General Detlev Simons.

22 October

Visit of designated Commander of Multinational Corps Northeast, Major General Dariusz Parylak.

31 October

Visit of Commander JFC Norfolk, Vice Admiral Douglas Perry.


Visit of the Director MMCC-E, Brigadier General Rolf von Uslar.

18 November

Visit of Canadian Director General Support, Brigadier General Luc Girouard.

19 November

Visit of Commanding General 2nd US Marine Corps, Brigadier General Maura Hennigan.

20 November

Visit of Deputy Commander U.S. Transportation Command (USTRANSCOM), Lieutenant General Jered Helwig.

25 to 27 NoVember

JSEC at Enablement Academic Conference at Bundeswehr Unitversity Munich.

04 December

Visit General Consuls of Croatia, Romania, Türkiye, Greece, Portugal, Spain and France.

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