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Oct 22 2024

Colonel Pinczon du Sel promoted at the rank of Officer in the French Order of the Legion of Honour

ULM, Germany - In a dignified ceremony with JSEC's Command Group, Deputy Commanders, Senior National Representatives (SNR) and staff members, Brigadier General Bruno Louisfert presented Colonel Dominique Pinczon du Sel with France’s highest honors of merit: the insignia of Officer in the French Order of the Legion of Honour. This honor not only recognizes individual excellence but also underscores the profound contributions made by dedicated military personnel.

The Legion of Honour, established in 1802, is a symbol of excellence and dedication to service. To be promoted to the rank of Officer is a testament to an individual's outstanding contributions to the nation. Colonel Pinczon du Sel’s, French Senior National Representative in JSEC, exemplary service reflects the very essence of what it means to be a leader in the French military.

The Legion of Honour is a symbol of excellence and dedication to service in the French military. 
(Photos by OF-2 Manuela Harant)

JSEC's French SNR, Colonel Dominque Pinczon du Sel, was awarded with the insignia of Officer in the French Order of the Legion of Honour. 

JSEC's Commander Lieutenant General Kai Rohrschneider (left) and the Deputy Commanders congratulated Colonel Pinczon du Sel for his promotion. 

In his Honorary speech in the Europe Hall in the Wilhelmsburg Barracks General Louisfert highlighted Colonel Pinczon du Sel’s unwavering commitment and exceptional accomplishments that have earned him a place among the finest in the armed forces. Colonel Pinczon du Sel’s service has inspired those around him, fostering a spirit of camaraderie and resilience that echoes throughout his unit and beyond.

Story by Joint Support and Enabling Command

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