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Sep 11 2024

German Shooting Champion is serving at JSEC

ULM, Germany - When he is not taking care for JSEC’s buildings, you will find Senior Master Sergeant Andreas Dauphin on shooting competitions all around the world. This year he was additionally successful on national events.

As there are no European or World Championships in his sports profession Practical Shooting, the 42-year-old army soldier focused on the German Nationals. And it was the right decision: OR-8 Andreas Dauphin defended his title as National Champion in Pistol Caliber Carbines (PCC) and finished second in the category Pistol Open.

OR-8 Andreas Dauphin is competing in international Practical Shooting Competitions. This year his focus was on European Events such as the German National Championships in Phillipsburg.
Andreas Dauphin is training almost every minute of his free time for his shooting profession. At JSEC the German army member is responsible for special buildings.

As the military servicemember of JSEC also participated in several competitions in Europe and wants to attend the Swiss Championships in fall, his focus on national events had another advantage: “As my 16-year-old son is doing practical shooting as well, we were challenging the competitions together”, Dauphin emphasized. We guess, it won’t take long until the son will follow his father and be successful in international competitions, too.

Perhaps already next year: “My big goal is the participation in the Practical Shooting World Championships 2025 in South Africa.” For this goal JSEC is wishing his Special Building Manager all the best!

Video by Joint Support and Enabling Command

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