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Mar 12 2025

Bidders Conference marks a milestone on the way to the Reinforcement Enablement Simulation Tool

ULM, Germany – At the NCIA REST Bidders Conference in the Wilhelmsburg Barracks in Ulm approximately 50 officials from NATO Communications and Information Agency (NCIA), Supreme Allied Headquarters Europe (SHAPE) and the industry came together to be briefed by the Joint Support and Enabling Command (JSEC) and NCIA on the Invitation for Bid (IFB).

The Reinforcement Enablement Simulation Tool (REST) project is to set up a state of the art technologically advanced synthetic digital environment with industry participation, in which JSEC can establish, test, train and exercise the Reinforcement and Sustainment Network (RSN). “In the end state by 2027, REST will offer us an interoperable and user-friendly visualization of the RSN and the NATO deployment of troops, which is adjustable for JSEC’s specific needs, combines NATO Functional Area Services (FAS) and open sources and integrates AI- supported live events and impacts on the RSN”, explains Lieutenant Colonel Mathias Stürmer, project officer of the REST project.

The NCIA REST Bidders Conference marked another milestone within the bidding process for JSEC’s future software tool. It included a briefing on the bidding process, the prospective contract and the technical aspects of the project. To ensure availability of Special Matter Experts (SMEs) from JSEC, Ulm was the most suitable location for that conference to properly capture the JSEC requirements and understand the REST importance Additional requests by the industry related to specified JSEC Requirements were briefed by the SMEs of the REST Working Group.

JSEC’s place in the NATO world is gaining more and more importance and the task that JSEC is required to do is extremely important and therefore needs new and modern AI tools.

Story by Joint Support and Enabling Command

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