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Nov 28 2021

The Albanian Dita e Pavarësisë, the City of a Thousand Windows and One of the Oldest Gospel Books Existing

November 28 - Dita e Pavarësisë is the Independence Day of Albania, commemorating the Albanian Declaration of Independence from the Ottoman Empire on 28 November 1912.

We continue to celebrate the National Days of our member Nations in 2021 by introducing one of our staff members and unveiling some facts that are usually not found in any travel guides.

Did you know two of the oldest Gospel Books of mankind are from Albania?

In 1967, two of the seven "purple codices" still existing were rediscovered in an old church in Berat Castle, after being hidden and forgotten for many years. These ancient manuscripts are very important for the scientific research into biblical, liturgical and hagiographical literature.

Story by Joint Support and Enabling Command

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