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Dec 20 2022

Finishing Off an eventful year at the joint support and enabling command and already looking ahead to 2023

ULM, Germany - What better way to warm up than enjoying some hot mulled wine and warm snacks during a casual get-together with fellow comrades and staff members and recap the eventful last year? The wintry atmosphere was just right for Joint Support and Enabling Command’s (JSEC) traditional end of the year event in the moat of the Wilhelmsburg Barracks in Ulm on 13 December.
We have become a full-fledged member of the NATO Alliance and our partners know that they can rely on us, no matter what.

“It makes me very happy to see all the JSEC members together enjoying themselves. What we have achieved in this past year, as a relatively new military NATO headquarters, has demanded lots of effort and also passion from my personnel. I am very proud that we have mastered the tasks that have been set for us. We have become a full-fledged member of the NATO Alliance and our partners know that they can rely on us, no matter what,” summarized Commander JSEC, Lieutenant General Alexander Sollfrank, while taking the opportunity to get behind the bar and serve some Glühwein (German for mulled wine) to his staff.

  Lieutenant General Alexander Sollfrank, Commander of the Joint Support and Enabling Command, served mulled wine to his staff during the end of the year event in the Wilhelmsburg Barracks on 13 December, 2022 (Photo: OR-4 Steven Nickel)  

  Joint Support and Enabling Command staff got together during the end of the year event in the moat of the Wilhelmsburg Barracks on 13 December, 2022 to recap the past year. (Photo: OR-4 Steven Nickel)  

  Joint Support and Enabling Command staff got together during the end of the year event in the moat of the Wilhelmsburg Barracks on 13 December, 2022 to enjoy hot mulled wine and snacks  (Photo: OR-4 Steven Nickel)  

With temperatures well in the sub-zero degrees, fireplaces were a popular place to chat and enjoy some treats.

As this year’s Christmas feels different due to the instable security situation on NATO’s Eastern Flank and the continuing Russian war of aggression in Ukraine, Sollfrank wished his staff and their families a contemplative Christmas season where everyone should try to recharge and prepare for the upcoming challenges in 2023. The new year won’t be easier but JSEC will be even better to help NATO deter and defend any threat to the Euro-Atlantic Area.

Christmas Surprise by Staff for Staff

Another pre-Christmas surprise has already been waiting for JSEC staff members after a briefing in the Joint Operations Center on 12 December. The smell of warm dough and cinnamon filled the crisp air. Team members prepared a Crêpes stand right in front of the building to hand out some warm Christmas punch and self-made Crêpes with sugar and cinnamon.

The surprise succeeded and judging from the smiles the treats met everyone’s taste buds. What better way to start the week.

The Joint Operations Center Team prepared a surprise Crêpes stand for their fellow Joint Support and Enabling Command comrades and civilian colleagues in the Wilhelmsburg Barracks 
on 12 December, 2022 (Photo: OR-8 Alexander Angerbauer)

Story by Joint Support and Enabling Command

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