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Jul 21 2022

Fostering the Reinforcement and Sustainment Network - Rear Admiral Richard D. Heinz Visits JSEC

Ulm, Germany, July 21 - Rear Admiral Richard Duke Heinz, Director of Logistics at the United States European Command in Stuttgart, Germany, was welcomed by Lieutenant General Alexander Sollfrank, Commander of the Joint Support and Enabling Command (JSEC). The intention of the visit was the exchange of information about current developments and future planning, and to foster the cooperation between the two commands. JSEC has established a constantly evolving "Reinforcement and Sustainment Network" (RSN) to facilitate alliance-wide enablement, reinforcement by forces and their sustainment, whenever required.

Lieutenant General Alexander Sollfrank (r.), JSEC Commander, welcomes Rear Admiral Richard Duke Heinz, USEUOCOM Director of Logistics in his office to exchange information about current developments and future planning. The Director of JSEC Plans, Major General Gerry Ewart-Brookes (small pictures, right), conducted a detailed briefing and led the following discussions.
(JSEC pictures by Airman First Class Gina Seegert, DEU AF)

Story by Joint Support and Enabling Command

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