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Dec 3 2019

German State Secretary Peter Tauber welcomes international soldiers in Ulm

The Joint Support and Enabling Command (JSEC) in Ulm is an important contribution of Germany towards the future of NATO. The German Parliamentary State Secretary Peter Tauber personally welcomed deployed soldiers of NATO Member States in Ulm, Germany, during today’s visit in the Wilhelmsburg Barracks.

During side talks, many of the international soldiers told him their families would really enjoy living in Ulm. Tauber also praised the hard work during the set-up phase of the new command for NATO in Ulm. He emphasized the importance of Ulm by being here for the third time, there is no other garrison in Germany he has been visiting more often.

In German history there have been many benefits through the alliance. Without NATO there wouldn’t have been any free Western Germany and the reunification of both German States wouldn’t have happened in such a smooth way, the State Secretary reminded the audience. It would be payback time for Germany now.

The JSEC Commander, Lieutenant General Juergen Knappe, appreciated the German Ministry of Defense acknowledging the constructional performance in Ulm by sending State Secretary Tauber, one of their highest representatives.

Having declared the initial operational capability earlier this year, the new NATO command will participate in the US exercise “European Defender 2020” in the first quarter of the new year.

In late 2021, the command will finally achieve full operational capabilitiy.

Story by Joint Support and Enabling Command

Pictures by Gina Seegert

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