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 Sep 13 2023

high-level meeting strengthens collaboration: cos shape visits jsec

ULM, Germany - In order to better align SHAPE and JSEC activities and priorities, Chief of Staff (COS) SHAPE, Admiral Joachim Rühle and his delegation arrived at the Joint Support and Enabling Command in Ulm on September 11 to 12. They were welcomed by the Commander, Lieutenant General Alexander Sollfrank.

The high-ranking delegation that accompanied Admiral Rühle underlined the significance of the visit. The one-star level and up Deputy Chiefs of Staff represented among others SHAPE’s Plans, Support, Cyber, Public Diplomacy and Management Directorates.

During his opening speech, Sollfrank reiterated JSEC´ s significant role within NATO:

JSEC will coordinate the preparation and execution of Enablement and Reinforcement by Forces and logistics to contribute to the Alliance´s ability to project and sustain combat power

Aim of the visit was to generally improve the coordination and dialogue between the two headquarters and within the individual work strands. The initial general overview of JSEC and its status, conducted in a plenary session, was followed by face to face talks.

Intensive talks and discussions between the respective departments, directly conducted face to face with representatives of the two NATO headquarters created a basis that was subsequently discussed and captured in the overall framework. The visit underlines the importance of JSEC within NATO and its essential support and expertise for its superior authority SHAPE and the Supreme Allied Commander Europe (SACEUR).

The visit brought experts from the respective fields directly together. After a keynote presentation, direct discussions were held to deepen working relationships.  (OR-4 Steven Nickel)

JSEC is a key contributor and expert in the field of Enablement, Reinforcement by Forces and Sustainment in NATO.

#StrongerTogether - Our commitment to global collaboration and security remains unwavering. This visit is a testament to our dedication to working hand in hand with allies and partners.

This visit wasn't just about discussions but building lasting connections. We firmly believe that strong partnerships are the cornerstone of success, and today's interactions have laid the foundation for a brighter and secure future for NATO’s one billion citizens.

In intensive face-to-face discussions, the existing basis was deepened and brought to a new level. For this purpose, representatives of the respective departments of the two NATO headquarters were brought together directly. (OR-4 Steven Nickel)

Story by Joint Support and Enabling Command

Lieutenant General Sollfrank emphasized the role of the JSEC within NATO in his welcoming address. (OR-4 Steven Nickel)
StrongerTogether - Our commitment to global collaboration and security remains unwavering. This visit is a testament to our dedication to working hand in hand with allies and partners. (OR-4 Steven Nickel)
SHAPE is the superior authority of the JSEC (OR-4 Steven Nickel)

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