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Sep 6 2023

Improving common understanding and future developments in the medical sector

ULM, Germany - From SEP 5 to 7, medical experts from various NATO institutions and nations met at Wilhelmsburg Barracks in Ulm, Germany, for the ACO Medical Advisors and Planners Forum (MAPF). It is the second time it has been held at the Joint Support and Enabling Command. 

This unique medical forum not only provided information on all current military medical issues in the context of NATO activities, operations and exercises. Other topics of interest to the medical community were also raised and discussed.

We are here to make sure that the medical challenges regarding larger operations are in all minds.

The MAPF is held twice a year. It is chaired by Brigadier General Almut Nolte, ACOS JMED SHAPE and MEDAD SACEUR. In her opening speech, Dr. Nolte emphasized the importance of joint, multinational efforts to provide adequate medical treatment: “A very warm welcome and thank you all for being here, supporting us. We are here to make sure that the medical challenges regarding larger operations are in all minds. It is very important to have your views here.”

ACOS JMED SHAPE and MEDAD SACEUR, Brigadier General Dr. Almut Nolte at her opening speech. (OR-4 Gina Seegert) 
JSEC ACOS JMED, COL (MC) Dr. Michael Clauss also extended warm welcome greetings to MAPF participants during the opening address(OR-4 Gina Seegert)

The format of the MAPF is constantly being adapted and revised to reflect the dynamics of NATO's development, especially in the light of current and future challenges.

For participants from NATO nations, the three-day event serves as a platform for discussions with medical advisors and planners from NATO Headquarters at all levels.

MAPF participants in conversation, deepening cooperation at all levels was the focus of the event (OR-4 Gina Seegert)
Participants gather from numerous NATO nations and NATO headquarters. (OR-4 Gina Seegert)
For many participants it was not the first visit to the JSEC in Ulm. The experts make an important contribution to enablement, of which the medical field is a large part. (OR-4 Gina Seegert)

StrongerTogether - The aim is to achieve an even better common understanding and future development in the field of military medicine through intensive discussions, information exchange and syndicate work.

Story by Joint Support and Enabling Command

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