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Feb 10 2023

Joint Support and Enabling Command’s Staff Dives Deep into Countering Hybrid Threats and Comprehensive Defence

ULM, Germany - Selected personnel of the Joint Support and Enabling Command (JSEC) participated in an eight day Comprehensive Defence Course held in the Wilhelmsburg Barracks in Ulm from 30 January to 8 February. Led by JSEC’s Office of Special Operations, the Mons-located NATO Special Operations University as part of the NATO Special Operations Headquarters (NSHQ) conducted the on-site course with its director and seven more instructors. The training aimed at offering best practices and practical implementation of methods, strategies and procedures for countering hybrid threats and comprehensive defence efforts. These include enhancing resilience, deterring threats, defending a nation and, if necessary, resisting an invading power.

A JSEC wide understanding in all relevant areas about Countering Hybrid Threats and the Comprehensive Defence concept is essential to prepare for current and future threats.
 Course instructors of the NATO Special Operations Headquarters and participants dove deep into the Comprehensive Defence concept on 8 and 9 February (Photo: OR-8 Alexander Angerbauer.).  
Course participants presented their results of sa syndicate work to their fellow course members on 9 February (Photo: OR-8 Alexander Angerbauer).  
Deputy Chief of Staff Operations, Major General Wolf-Jürgen Stahl, explains the importance of a Comprehensive Defence concept while welcoming the participants of the course on 8 February (Photo: OR-8 Alexander Angerbauer).  

To fulfill JSEC’s mission, namely to coordinate and synchronize the preparation and execution of Enablement, Reinforcement by Forces and Sustainment, JSEC staff requires a comprehensive understanding of hybrid and asymmetric activities on Allied territory and beyond. This also serves as basic prerequisite to support Commander JSEC in his decision-making and his advisory role for the Supreme Allied Commander Europe (SACEUR). The military headquarters thus contributes to the Alliance’s ability to project and sustain combat power into and across SACEUR’s Area of Responsibility in a 360 degrees approach.

Deputy Chief of Staff Operations, Major General Wolf-Jürgen Stahl, welcomed NSHQ’s course instructors to JSEC and summarized the following training days as a great possibility for the participants to learn to specify key principles of civilian preparedness to enable national resilience.

Furthermore the training focused on methods on how to overcome cross-sector differences and enhance whole of society cooperation. Generalizing the roles and missions of military organizations in Comprehensive Defence, identifying the various roles and missions of the national Armed Forces, Home Guard, Asymmetric Defence Component and national Special Operation Forces rounded off the course content.

“A JSEC wide understanding in all relevant areas about Countering Hybrid Threats and the Comprehensive Defence concept is essential to prepare for current and future threats. This knowledge, ultimately, supports NATO’s deterrence and defence of the Euro-Atlantic Area,” added Stahl.

Story by Joint Support and Enabling Command

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