ULM, Germany – The Senior Policy and Resources
Committee (SPRC) with 34 representatives
the Joint Support and Enabling Command’s (JSEC) participating nations and close
partners like Canada met in the Wilhelmsburg Barracks on 24 November
to discuss personnel and budget matters for the year 2023 and beyond.
[It] provides an excellent opportunity to strengthen the cooperation and partnerships with JSEC’s contributing nations
The SPRC, as highest decision-making body of the JSEC, is authorized to decide on all matters concerning the policy, manning and financial issues of the military headquarters, including the annual budget. This is assembled by all contributing nations that signed the Technical Administrative Arrangement on 14 May, 2021. The decisions made will be the legal basis for JSEC to continue with its planning process and actions.

During the Senior Policy and Resources Committee on 24 November, national representatives take the opportunity to discuss Joint Support and Enabling Command’s training and exercise planning for 2023
(Photo: OR-4 Steven Nickel)

Commander Joint Support and Enabling Command, Lieutenant General Alexander Sollfrank, welcomes the Chairman and the national representatives to the Senior Policy and Resources Committee in Ulm on 24 November
(Photo: OR-4 Steven Nickel)

Representatives from contributing nations to the Joint Support and Enabling Command come together in Ulm on 24 November to discuss the military headquarters’ budget and manning requirements for 2023
(Photo: OR-4 Steven Nickel)
Due to Germany being JSEC's Framework nation, the German Ministry of Defence is the responsible authority to chair the panel, which takes place twice a year. Commander JSEC, Lieutenant General Alexander Sollfrank, welcomed acting Chairman Colonel Christian Brandes and the national representatives. He emphasized that “the Senior Policy and Resources Committee provides an excellent opportunity to strengthen the cooperation and partnerships with JSEC’s contributing nations.”
The participants during the meeting represented their nations’ Ministries of Defence (MoDs) either as external attendees immediately sent by the nations’ MoDs, or as authorized Senior National Representatives (SNRs). As a part of JSEC personnel they build the link between JSEC and their nations during their service in Ulm. During the meeting the attendees focused on peacetime manpower requirements, a budget draft and training and exercise planning for 2023.
“I am very pleased with today’s discussions and thorough talks that will help JSEC to become even more effective and efficient in fulfilling its mission and to help NATO to deter and defend any threat to Allied territory,” Sollfrank explained after the SPRC concluded.