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Jun 10 2021

Joint Support and Enabling Command Welcomes its New Deputy Commander, Polish Air Force Major General Dariusz Ryczkowski

Ulm, Germany – Lieutenant General Jürgen Knappe, Commander of the Joint Support and Enabling Command (JSEC), officially introduced and welcomed his Deputy Commander (DCOM), Polish Air Force Major General Dariusz Ryczkowski, on Wednesday, June 9, 2021.

"I am looking very much forward to finally being deputized by an experienced international general officer," Knappe said on the official introduction of the DCOM to the command's flag officers, "it is a clear and visible sign of JSEC becoming an international military headquarters."

a clear and visible sign of JSEC becoming an international military headquarters

Major General Ryczkowski was born on September 2, 1971 in Ryki, Poland. He commissioned in 1995 as a graduate of the Military University of Technology in Warszawa, where he earned Master of Science in Civil Engineering.

For the last two years, he served as the Chief of the Armed Forces Support Inspectorate in Bydgoszcz, commanding 8,000 soldiers and 22,000 civilian workers, responsible for providing, maintaining and sustaining the broad variety of support capabilities for the Polish Armed Forces and for NATO entities in Poland.

"It is a great challenge to take over as the JSEC DCOM during the final steps of the setup process," said Ryczkowski. "I am grateful for the trust afforded to me by the Commander and very much looking forward to serving in a NATO Command for the first time."

German Major General Hartmut Renk, who was the acting DCOM during the setup process of the JSEC, will stay in the Wilhelmsburg Barracks as the Chief of Staff of the collocated Multinational Joint Headquarters Ulm.

Lieutenant General Jürgen Knappe, Commander Joint Support and Enabling Command, welcomes his new Deputy Commander, Polish Air Force General Dariusz Ryczkowski, and introduces him to the command's flag officers. (JSEC picture by Senior Master Sergeant Marcus Schaller, DEU A)

Story by Joint Support and Enabling Command

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