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Dec 5 2022

Strengthen intense Partnership – Joint Support and Enabling Command’s Deputy Commander Hosts DSACEUR and Fellow NATO Headquarters’ Deputy Commanders

ULM, Germany – Joint Support and Enabling Command’s (JSEC) Deputy Commander, Major General Dariusz Ryczkowski, invited his fellow Deputy Commanders of other NATO headquarters to the Wilhelmsburg Barracks in Ulm from 28 to 30 November. During the meeting high-ranking guests like the Deputy Supreme Allied Commander Europe (DSACEUR), General Sir Tim Radford, the Deputy Commanders of the Joint Force Commands in Norfolk, Brunssum and Naples and the Allied Land, Air and Maritime Commands discussed current challenges for the Alliance. Another focus laid on the close cooperation between the headquarters in order to help deter and defend any threat to NATO territory.

We all agree on the absolute necessity to strengthen the deterrence and defence of NATO territory against any threat

“I am very pleased with the meeting of NATO Deputy Commanders here at JSEC. It’s a great opportunity to discuss important topics like NATO’s current challenges face-to-face and also in a more informal setting. We all agree on the absolute necessity to strengthen the deterrence and defence of NATO territory against any threat and to operate closely together,” underlined host Ryczkowski after the event.

Deputy Commander of the Joint Support and Enabling Command, Major General Dariusz Ryczkowski (front row, third from the right) invited the Deputy Supreme Allied Commander Europe, General Sir Tim Radford (front row, third from the left) and fellow Deputy Commanders from NATO headquarters to the Wilhelmsburg Barracks from 28 to 30 November (Photo: OR-8 Marcus Schaller)

“An exceptionally productive conference which has served to drive greater understanding, as well as reinforce Alliance cohesion at a crucial juncture”, added General Sir Tim Radford.

Commander Joint Support and Enabling Command, Lieutenant General Alexander Sollfrank (on the right), and General Sir Tim Radford, Deputy Supreme Allied Commander Europe (on the left), conducted an office call to discuss the military headquarters’ current tasks 
(Photo: OR-4 Gina Seegert)

During the event, Commander JSEC, Lieutenant General Alexander Sollfrank, seized the opportunity to inform the guests about ongoing issues at JSEC and discussed further developments with the high-ranking participants.

DSACEUR meets the British Community at JSEC

During General Radford’s visit to JSEC, the headquarters’ British community organized a personal meeting where the DSACEUR took the opportunity to meet the military and civilian representatives. During a casual get-together, General Sir Tim complimented the participants on their achievements at JSEC.

“It’s been a pleasure to meet with the British community in the headquarters JSEC. They are part of a great multi-national team, and I’m grateful for their energy, innovation and determination to ensure JSEC can contribute towards the deterrence and defence of the Euro-Atlantic area,” he emphasized while meeting the British community at JSEC.

The Deputy Supreme Allied Commander Europe, General Sir Tim Radford, met with the British community at the Joint Support and Enabling Command in Ulm on 30 November and thanked them for their commitment and achievements (Photos: OR-4 Gina Seegert)

Story by Joint Support and Enabling Command

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