Germany – From November 15 to 16, 2021 international participants from
different allied entities rehearsed the movement of the NATO Response Force
(NRF) and additional units in crisis at the Joint Support and Enabling Command
(JSEC) in the Wilhelmsburg Barracks in Ulm.
[...] A great opportunity for the Joint Support and Enabling Command to credibly demonstrate our readiness in conjunction with the other NATO headquarters and all involved stakeholders.
This special exercise and its scenario challenged the sixty logistics experts participating this two day long event to overcome practical constraints that arise from moving large combat forces at the speed of relevance and their sustainment in all directions spanning 360 degrees.
"Such exercises bring together NATO logistics professionals who were challenged with moving and sustaining forces over a prolonged period of time in order to identify procedural gaps and ways, how to close them for the future," Lieutenant General Jürgen Knappe, Commander of the JSEC explained the purpose of the rehearsal of concept, often referred to as "ROC Drill". It mirrored one of JSEC's core tasks: The coordination of the NATO troop movements across the Alliance in all possible directions.

Lieutenant General Jürgen Knappe, JSEC Commander, welcomes NATO logistics experts to the exercise in Ulm. Photo: Airman First Class Gina Seegert

During the exercise international participants from allied entities rehearsed the movement of the NATO Response Force. Photo: Airman First Class Gina Seegert

The two day long rehearsal of concept was characterized by a lively exchange between the logistics specialists
Photo: Airman First Class Gina Seegert
The exercise involved delegations from Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe (SHAPE), United States European Command (USEUCOM), Joint Force Command Brunssum, Joint Force Command Norfolk, 21st Theater Sustainment Command (TSC), United States Transportation Command (USTRANSCOM) and the NATO Support and Procurement Agency (NSPA).
"It was a great opportunity for the Joint Support and Enabling Command to credibly demonstrate our readiness in conjunction with the other NATO headquarters and all involved stakeholders," Lieutenant General Knappe emphasized and also showed himself very pleased with the "excellent organization of the multinational event which once more fostered the cohesion of the Alliance and strengthened the transatlantic link."