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Jan 25 2024

JSEC hosted Stockpile Planning Committee Meeting

ULM, Germany - Joint Support and Enabling Command (JSEC) hosted the first Bi-SC Stockpile Planning Committee (SPC) Meeting in 2024 in Ulm. Over two days more than 40 civil and military attendees further developed the stockpile planning for the ongoing year.

Under the chair of NATO Allied Command Transformation (ACT) and Allied Command Operations (ACO) delegations from NATO Headquarters and member states, the United States European Command, the NATO Support and Procurement Agency (NSPA) and the NATO Communications and Information Agency (NCIA) came together at JSEC continuing to promote effective stockpile across NATO. The advice and inputs from Nations are pivotal for the purpose of NATO Defense Planning Process and Operational Planning Process.

Without logistics, stocks and enabled troops we won’t be able to fight

JSEC’s Chief of Staff, Major General Richard Laurijssen, warmly welcomed the Stockpile Planning Committee in the Wilhelmsburg Barracks: “For JSEC as an effective and efficient component of deterrence and collective defence it was a honor to host this conference, which plays a significant role for enablement in SACEUR’s area of responsibility. Without logistics, stocks and enabled troops we won’t be able to fight.”

More than 40 civil and military attendees further developed the stockpile planning for 2024. Photo: OR-4 Gina Seegert
The participants came together at JSEC from NATO HQs and member states. Photo: OR-4 Gina Seegert 
JSEC Chief of Staff, Major General Richard Laurijssen, addressed his words to the audience. Photo: OR-4 Gina Seegert 

The Stockpile Planning Committee is a biannual meeting to discuss and inform the Allies on topics of, or relating to, stockpile planning. The committee is categorized as an information sharing forum and is hosted by a volunteer nation or NATO organization.

Stockpile Planning is the process of managing and organizing the storage of materials in a safe and efficient manner to reduce the potential risks associated with stockpiling and to provide guidance on appropriate stockpile management and relevant controls.

Story by Joint Support and Enabling Command

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