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Apr 27 2021

Koningsdag and Bossche Bol

In The Netherlands, Koningsdag officially commemorates the birthday of King Willem Alexander, born in Utrecht on 27 April 1967. Traditionally, the entire country celebrates by dressing in orange clothes (the royal family are the House of Orange-Nassau), painting faces and hair orange and wearing mock orange crowns. This year, everybody will have to be celebrating at home, due to COVID-19 there will be no public festivities.

Starting today, we celebrate the National Days of our member Nations in 2021 by introducing one of our staff members and unveiling some facts. Interesting, surprising, fascinating, amazing, extraordinary fun facts, usually not found in any travel guides.

Did you know the popular “Bossche Bol” is originated in 's-Hertogenbosch?

Basically, Bossche Bol is a large profiterole style pastry, slightly larger than a tennis ball, filled with whipped cream and covered almost entirely with dark chocolate icing.

Story by Joint Support and Enabling Command Public Affairs Office

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