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Aug 5 2021

nato's latest international military headquarters welcomes seven new international staff members

ULM, Germany - The Chief of Staff of the Joint Support and Enabling Command (JSEC), Brigadier General Arco Solkesz, welcomed six officers and one non-commissioned officer in the recently activated International Military Headquarters, located in the historic Wilhelmsburg Barracks on August 4, 2021.

We can be proud of working together so closely as partners [...].

Representing six NATO nations, Colonel Stig Taraldsen (Norway), the Lieutenant Colonels Andris Grinvalds (Latvia), Liviu Limbălătă (Romania), Marcin Czekalski (Poland), Major Sam Harriger (United States of America), Captain Dale Jones (United Kingdom) and Sergeant Major Rafal Mniedlo (Poland) started their tours at the beginning of August. They reinforce the staff of the command on the way to full readiness in September.

Solkesz emphasized and appreciated the progress and growth of the command's structure and staff, built on the commitment of the participating NATO states: "We can be proud of working together so closely as partners, on our way to assume full readiness."

In his address to the newcomers, the Chief of Staff, Brigadier General Arco Solkesz (right), emphasizes the multinational character of the Joint Support and Enabling Command.
(JSEC Photo by Senior Airman Bastian Süpple, DEU AF)
Brigadier General Arco Solkesz (fourth from the left), takes the opportunity to welcome the seven new staff members to the Wilhelmsburg Barracks. 
(JSEC Photo by Senior Airman Bastian Süpple, DEU AF)

"I can't wait to do my part in this international environment, especially getting the unique chance to experience the development of a NATO Headquarters", Lieutenant Colonel Grinvalds said. He had served in the Latvian National Armed Forces as Chief J2, responsible for intelligence. He and the other new JSEC members volunteered for their future posts in Germany and were selected in their national evaluation processes.

Story by Joint Support and Enabling Command

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