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Nov 9 2020

Senior Mentor Jan Broeks Gives Valuable Advice to the Joint Support and Enabling Command Staff

Ulm, Germany, 4 November 2020 - Retired Dutch Lieutenant General Jan Broeks visits the Joint Support and Enabling Command (JSEC), advising it as a Senior Mentor for the upcoming NATO Certification Exercise “Steadfast Defender 21”.

Lieutenant General Jürgen Knappe, JSEC Commander, and his staff informed him about current developments in the headquarters and the preparation status of the exercise. “We will demonstrate our full operational capability during our certification exercise,” said Knappe, “where we will act as one vital cog in the NATO machinery to deploy a large formation from continental America to and through Europe to enhance the Alliance’s deterrence and defence posture.”

Steadfast Defender 21 is aimed at proving the interaction and the interoperability between the three NATO Joint Force Headquarters and the JSEC, which is at the same level. JSEC will also test its coordinating role in the scenario. A part of the exercise will take place in Ulm, April/May 2021, and will be framed and conducted by NATO’s Joint Warfare Centre, located in Stavanger, Norway.

As the former Director General of the NATO International Military Staff, Broeks provides a vast amount of first-hand experience in the alliance’s environment. During the exercise, he will accompany JSEC through the certification process as a consultant. One of the primary challenges will be to align the staff’s workflow with an appropriate battle rhythm, ensuring that the commander’s decisions can be prepared in a timely manner.

Headquarters Supreme Allied Commander Transformation (HQ SACT) established the NATO Senior Mentor Program in 2006, involving former Flag or General Officers recommended to NATO by their respective Chiefs of Defense. The program focuses on NATO’s military Transformation and it fully supports the Alliance’s Education, Training, Exercises and Evaluation requirements.

Story by Joint Support and Enabling Command

The visit of Lieutenant General (ret) Jan Broeks at JSEC includes an update on current developments and loads of detailed information about the preparation status of the certification exercise “Steadfast Defender 2021”, conducted in April/May next year.  
In spite of the COVID-19 restrictions, the preparation of the certification exercise “Steadfast Defender 21” is up and running. The Joint Support and Enabling Command will prove its Full Operational Capability by October 2021.
Brigadier General Arco Solkesz, Lieutenant General (ret) Jan Broeks, Lieutenant General Jürgen Knappe (middle, from left to right) discussing the way to go for JSEC’s NATO certification.
As a Senior Mentor, Lieutenant General (ret) Jan Broeks (front, right) accompanies and advises the Joint Support and Enabling Command through its NATO certification process.

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