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Aug 19 2020

Six international newcomers welcomed in Ulm

ULM, Germany – Major General Hartmut Renk, Deputy Commander of the Joint Support and Enabling Command (JSEC), welcomed six newly assigned staff officers of six different nations in the Wilhelmsburg Barracks this Wednesday, 19th of August.

He appeared very pleased with this visible contribution of the NATO member states to the growing headquarters.

Colonel Dritan Stroni (Albania), Lieutenant Colonel Martin Ligtenberg (The Netherlands) and Lieutenant Colonel Marko Unger (Slovenia) arrived in Ulm last week; Lieutenant Colonel Remigiosz Michon (Poland), Major Can Ceylan (Turkey) and Major C. (France) completed the international sextet of newcomers this week.

„Your presence in Ulm emphasizes the multinational character of our headquarters and clearly shows the active engagement of all NATO member states in setting up the alliance’s new command structure,” said the Major General in his address to the newcomers.

All of the staff officers volunteered for their posts in Germany and were happy being chosen in their respective national evaluation processes. It would be a special honour to represent his nation in an international headquarters in Germany, emphasized Colonel Dritan Stroni.

All newcomers are willing to move to the region with their families. “An international employment in a NATO Command is an attractive experience for the family, too,” explains Marko Unger. His family will move from Slovenia to Ulm on the Danube river shortly and the kids are already registered in the International School.

The Dutch JSEC Director, Brigadier General Arco Solkesz, also happily welcomed the experienced officers to his team. Including the six newcomers, there are currently 33 international staff members from 14 different nations working at JSEC.

Story by Joint Support and Enabling Command

Major General Hartmut Renk, JSEC Deputy Commander, welcomes the newly deployed soldiers in the Wilhelmsburg Barracks.
Photo by Senior Airman Süpple
An international Sextet of experienced staff officers enhances JSEC's capabilities.
Photo by Senior Airman Süpple
"Your presence in Ulm emphasizes the multinational character of our headquarters,"
said the Major General in his address to the newcomers.
Photo by Senior Airman Süpple 

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