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 NOV 16 2023

Strengthening cooperation and common understanding in globally challenging times during jsec's rsn fall conference

ULM, Germany – During Joint Support and Enabling Command’s (JSEC) second Reinforcement and Sustainment Network (RSN) Fall Conference from 14 to 16 November, around one hundred external participants came together in the Wilhelmsburg Barracks to achieve a common understanding of JSEC’s work and the necessary developments to further strengthen the RSN.

The experts from Allied NATO nations, accession candidate Sweden and the Allied Command Operations (ACO) Community, with its Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe (SHAPE), and further NATO entities discussed requirements, perspectives and experiences to further strengthen their close cooperation and partnerships.

We have a challenging program ahead of us in creating an enabled theatre in SACEUR´s Area of Responsibility because what we do not prepare in peacetime will not be ready in crisis and conflict

Based on JSEC’s gap analyses the participants had the possibility to familiarize themselves with the developed concept of requirements to help build a baseline understanding of each nation against the New Force Model prerequisites and discuss the assessment on individual infrastructure, facilities and key enablers.

JSEC’s aim is to set up a construct to achieve continuous situational awareness on the RSN and its use. A platform for overarching information exchange is being further developed to improve the streamline of information flow. This is the premise for JSEC to fulfil its core tasks of contribution to the Enablement and the coordination of the Reinforcement by Forces and their Sustainment in a 360 degrees approach in the Supreme Allied Commander Europe’s (SACEUR) Area of Responsibility (AOR).

Lieutenant General Alexander Sollfrank, JSEC Commander and the conference’s host, welcomed the participants on the first day and emphasized “it is really great that you are here. We have a challenging program ahead of us in creating an enabled theatre in SACEUR´s Area of Responsibility because what we do not prepare in peacetime will not be ready in crisis and conflict."

Commander Joint Support and Enabling Command, Lieutenant General Alexander Sollfrank, hosted the Reinforcement and Sustainment Network Conference in Ulm from 14 to 16 November and welcomed the participants to the Wilhelmsburg Barracks with an overview of the headquarters’ structure. (OR-4 Gina Seegert)
Participants from over 30 nations followed the invitation by Lieutenant General Alexander Sollfrank, Commander Joint Support and Enabling Command (front row in the middle), to the Reinforcement and Sustainment Network Conference in the Wilhelmsburg Barracks in Ulm from 14 to 16 November. (OR-4 Gina Seegert)

JSEC’s network is part of a wider effort the headquarters is working on. Based on the principal ideas on how to enable SACEUR’s AOR, the development of a “toolbox” to realize them is essential. This toolbox is the multi-domain RSN. JSEC combines and correlates data from all NATO member nations on the physical and functional aspects of Enablement and Sustainment. This database is paramount for troop movements, material and supplies in SACEUR’s AOR. The database also enables JSEC to identify, whether the existing and future plans of NATO will succeed in reality and which changes in form of military requirements for the nations need to be agreed upon on the political level to mitigate any existing risks for success of NATO operations.

JSEC’s compilation of the provided information generates an overview used by NATO commanders and Allied nations. The assessments give advice and recommendation on how to organize movements with the aim that required forces are in the right place at the right time.

In challenging times like we experience them right now, this contributes to a credible deterrence and if required an effective and efficient defence of every inch of Allied territory

“JSEC’s advice with its functional responsibility is not limited to data. As the functional domain expert we advise SACEUR and ACO commanders by developing plans and supporting exercises on all Reinforcement and Sustainment Network and Enablement related matters,” emphasizes Sollfrank. “In challenging times like we experience them right now, this contributes to a credible deterrence and if required an effective and efficient defence of every inch of Allied territory.”

To manage this RSN effectively and efficiently is crucial to fulfill JSEC’s tasks. Effective – Efficient – Enablement therefore represent the three main cornerstones of the headquarters’ activities.

By having the Reinforcement and Sustainment Network established in peacetime already, JSEC is well prepared and capable of enabling SACEUR’s AOR in crisis and conflict. By efficiently fulfilling its mission, JSEC enhances effectiveness within NATO and contributes to the Alliance's readiness and credibility.

The participants held intensive discussions and exchanged views and expertise during the Reinforcement and Sustainment Network Fall Conference in Ulm from 14 to 16 November. (OR-4 Gina Seegert)

SACEUR, General Christopher Cavoli, who attended the RSN Conference on the first day and thereby underlined JSEC’s importance to the Alliance, thanked the JSEC staff and emphasized how the headquarters sets critical conditions for Enablement and Sustainment within NATO during peace time and crisis. He pointed out that JSEC and the RSN conference are essential as the work that is been done at the Fall Conference will contribute to making NATO’s plans executable.

The Supreme Allied Commander Europe (SACEUR), General Christopher Cavoli, was welcomed by Joint Support and Enabling Command’s Lieutenant General Alexander Sollfrank and addressed the participants during his key note at the Reinforcement and Sustainment Network Fall Conference on 15 November. (OR-4 Gina Seegert)

As stated in the Vilnius Summit Communiqué issued in July 2023, NATO has accelerated its efforts to ensure the Enablement of SACEUR’s AOR and the support of the Reinforcement and Sustainment of Allied Forces into, across and from the Alliance’s territory. JSEC’s RSN that is prerequisite for the Enablement, Reinforcement by Forces and their Sustainment, therefore heavily depends on an effective military mobility and close synergies between Allied nations as well as between NATO and the EU.

Story by Joint Support and Enabling Command

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