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 Feb 18 2022

The German Chief of Defence Visits the Joint Support and Enabling Command

Ulm, Germany, February 18, 2022 – General Eberhard Zorn, German Chief of Defence (ChoD), was welcomed by Lieutenant General Jürgen Knappe, JSEC Commander, in the Wilhelmsburg Barracks.

Despite his tight schedule on his way to the Munich Security Conference, starting later today, Germany's highest-ranked General Officer took his time and received the latest information about the current developments and JSEC's new role in the NATO Command Structure

On Order of the Supreme Allied Commander Europe (SACEUR), JSEC will coordinate the preparation and execution of Reinforcement by Forces and logistics, in order to contribute to the Allies' ability to project and sustain combat power throughout NATO's area of responsibility.

In his second function as Commander of the Multinational Joint Headquarters, collocated with JSEC in Ulm, Knappe also briefed the ChoD about their current developments.

The visit had to be postponed from Thursday to Friday, due to the stormy weather conditions in Germany.

Story by Joint Support and Enabling Command

Lieutenant General Jürgen Knappe, JSEC Commander, reports to the German Chief of Defence, General Eberhard Zorn.
During his visit in Ulm, General Eberhard Zorn was provided with the latest developments in JSEC and its new role in the NATO Command Structure
Lieutenant General Jürgen Knappe, JSEC Commander (left), 
General Eberhard Zorn, German Chief of Defence (middle), 
Major General Dariusz Ryczkowski, JSEC Deputy Commander (right)
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The Joint Support and Enabling Command is collocated in Ulm with the Multinational Joint Headquarters

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