The participation in the exercise was an important milestone on JSEC´'s path to full readiness in fall 2021. It also was a test-bed to evaluate and optimize JSEC’s concept, structure, functionality and capabilities. In addition, the hygiene concept with the “3T” (Tracking, Temperature, Testing), including the execution of more than 4,000 rapid antigen tests, proved effective. Not one participant was tested positive on COVID-19 during the exercise.

At the end of the exercise, Lieutenant General Jürgen Knappe, JSEC Commander, rewarded participants who performed extraordinarily in their area of responsibility and beyond. (JSEC picture by Airman First Class Gina Seegert, DEU AF)
Steadfast Defender 2021 will continue, from 20 to 28 May, the exercise will see a large-scale maritime deployment across the Atlantic to the coast of Portugal. That part will focus on improving NATO’s ability to protect and defend the Lines of Communication that enable transatlantic reinforcement. A significant number of ships with 5,000 participants from nine nations will take part.
In late May, NATO’s annual Noble Jump will take place under the umbrella of the third phase of Steadfast Defender 2021.This will see the deployment of the Very High Readiness Joint Task Force, led by Turkey, to Romania. Some 4,000 troops from 12 countries will be involved.
Steadfast Defender 2021 is defensive in nature and is the first in a new series of long-planned NATO-led exercises to ensure that NATO forces are trained, able to operate together and ready to deter and respond to any threat from any direction. It will train and evaluate a wide range of NATO Command and Force Structure headquarters