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Oct 23 2021

The Three National Days and Debrecen's Flower Carnival in Hungary

October 23, the Hungarian Republic Day, commemorates the anniversary of two key events in the history of modern Hungary that both happened on this day; the 1956 uprising against the Soviet Union and the proclamation of the Third Hungarian Republic in 1989. It is celebrated with speeches and exhibitions throughout the country. However, it is not the only National Day of Hungary, there are two more to celebrate.

Did you know there are three different National Days in Hungary?

March 15 is the Memorial Day of the 1848 Revolution, which aimed at the independence of the Hungarian Kingdom from the Austrian Empire. There are usually speeches and music; many people wear a cockade with the national colours red, white, and green on that day.

August 20 is the foundation day of Hungary; it also commemorates Hungary's first king St. Stephen (Szent István király) and "the day of the new bread". St. Stephen's Day is celebrated with a huge fireworks display on the bank of the Danube River in Budapest.

Colonel József Gál invites us to a flower carnival in his hometown Debrecen, where more than 3 million strands of flowers are used to create a magnificent sea of colours on St.Stephen's Day.

Story by Joint Support and Enabling Command

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